Derby Inaugural Ceremony 2000

It was a festive evening at Derby High School as Mayor Marc Garofalo and the complete slate of officials elected in November, 1999 took their oath of office before a large turnout of city residents.

During the course of the evening a variety of visiting dignitaries including Congressman James Maloney, State Comptroller Nancy Wyman and Bridgeport Mayor Joseph Ganim administered the oaths to the Derby officials. But clearly, the star of the Evening was Garofalo who took his oath from Ganim as his mother Barbara held the Bible and family members joined him on stage.

In his remarks, Garofalo spoke about the progress made in the last two years in turning the city around focusing on the foundation built for the rebirth of downtown, improvements to the education system and the solid financial position highlighted by the recent year-end budget surplus.

He then delivered his vision of a city on the move with a bright vision for the future. He pledged to work improve the image of the downtown area which has already begun with the improvements to the City Green and the development of the Farrel property. He spoke of the city's commitment to education and a need to have accountability in student performance. He took time to praise all city officials and volunteers, but took special time to praise police and fire department members for being true heroes. He singled out several firemen for their role in saving lives in a fire over the weekend.

In a moving conclusion to his speech, he dedicated his second term to the memory of his father Mario who passed away suddenly in November.

Following the ceremony, the audience adjourned to the cafeteria for refreshments while the Board of Aldermen and the Board of Apportionment and Taxation stayed behind on stage to hold their first meetings and elect their leaders.

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