Ice Fishing Returns to Pink House Cove

A relatively mild winter may be appreciated by most who live in Derby, however there is a certain element that look forward to plunging winter temperatures - ice fishermen. Lower temperatures and thicker ice bring the fishermen back to one of their favorite haunts on the Housatonic River in Derby - Pink House Cove. As you can see from these pictures of a fearless trio from Seymour and Shelton found searching the Cove for ideal conditions, the River does turn into a frozen tundra of thick ice on occasion. These scenes from the winter of 2000 show a hardy group of fishermen who have drilled through ice that was at least 7" deep in the Cove. However, we don't want to urge anyone to follow onto the ice without first checking with the appropriate authorities to see that it is safe. We checked to see if the fish were biting, and from all accounts they were.

Most people may find it hard to believe, but there are reports of many winter activities on the river in years gone by including the harvesting of ice, storage in ice houses and use during the summer. Refrigeration changed all of that. However, we can't account for explaining the horse and car races that were once held on the river! We'll just have to assume that the winters of years ago were as cold as some of our seniors claim! Click on each image for a larger picture. 

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