
(meeting taped)

Regular meeting: Monday, December 11, 2000 at the Aldermanic Chambers of City Hall.

Meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. By roll call, members present: John Walsh, Beverly Moran, Al Felice, and David Mikos.

Karen Izzo and Matt Cripps were excused.

Parks and Recreation Director Dennis O’Connell was present. Athletic Director Kenneth Marcucio was absent.


Without objection, the agenda was accepted, as presented.

Public portion:

Joseph Bassi of 5 Patty Ann Terrace came forward to bring concerns regarding the Veteran’s Community Center to the attention of the Commission. He questioned the reasoning for the Parks & Recreation Commission taking over the Center. Chairman Walsh explained that the Board of Alderman asked that the Commission take over the Center and the Commission accepted it as it fits into the overall recreational plan for the City.

Mr. Bassi stated that there are things to be done at the Center that are not being addressed. He felt the areas were not being vacuumed on a timely basis, garbage is not being properly disposed of, the shower room is in dire need of a cleaning, the heater in the men’s locker room does not work due to a malfunctioning thermostat, junk is scattered around the pool area and the tile material around the pool requires resealing as the surface has become rough and porous. The sealing is required yearly or bi-yearly so as to preserve the surface from the constant water contact. Also, the rope to delineate the deep end of the pool has been broken for some time and he felt this a hazard to the youth using the pool. He noted that the whirlpool is not working but he understood that it is scheduled to be repaired. He also noted that the sign over the lockers was unstable and should be securely bolted to the wall. There were other odds and ends that need to be addressed as regular maintenance and cleaning.

Mr. O’Connell explained that Mr. Gruttadauria is working on a part time basis to address these issues. Identifying the needs is an ongoing process which is being organized. He has recently changed employment of his full time job and this has caused him to change the hours that he is at the Center but he remains diligent in pursuing the necessary duties. Regarding the whirlpool, time and money has been spent to determine the problem and now the intent is to change the mechanics of the whirlpool with parts that are designed for a more industrial use. This work should be done shortly once an electrician can be scheduled to do the work.

No one else came forward and the public portion was closed.

Approval of minutes:

A motion was made by Beverly Moran and second by Al Felice. Move to accept the minutes of the meeting held on November 13, 2000. All in favor. Motion carried.


Nothing was presented.


Parks & Recreation Director’s Report: Mr. O’Connell stated that work at the soccer field at Bradley School was started but inclement weather has halted the work until early next spring. The main field was treated with topsoil and nutrients and the area was graded. The smaller field was started but not completed due to the weather. Seeding will have to be done in the spring on both the fields. Work will start again in early spring and additional topsoil, fertilizer and grading will be done to both fields prior to the seeding.

At the Ryan Fieldhouse, maintenance matters are being addressed. Mr. Mikos noted that the soda machine located outside the building is being vandalized. It was stated that the machine belongs to the Booster Club and they will be advised of these concerns.

Mr. O’Connell noted that the run off behind the girls softball field is being investigated. A new backstop is needed at the field but the water problem must be addressed prior to the replacement of the backstop. Cost estimates will be obtained prior to moving forward on this project.

It was questioned whether the lights at the football field have to addressed prior to next season. Mr. O’Connell indicated that test pits will be dug to explore the location and condition of the wiring. A clearer picture will be available once the exploration is complete. When the light is removed in the spring, prior to baseball, this problem will be explored.

The status of the bathrooms at Amendola Field was also discussed. It was noted that there was some confusion on the funding of this project under LoCIP. The Capital Planning Commission has again included it in their plan for 2001-2002 which would mean that, if approved, the funding would be in place after July 1, 2001. It was suggested that the Board of Apportionment and Taxation may be agreeable to moving funding from the Ryan Fieldhouse project, which is currently allocated, and this will be explored. Mr. O’Connell has been working on the designs of the plan with Mr. Felice, Commissioner Gary Parker and Building Official David Kopjanski. As work is being done on the soccer fields in the spring, prohibiting play, the spring would be the ideal time to have this project also completed.

Mr. O’Connell reported that he had a meeting with Mayor Garofalo and Mr. Jack Ribas of the Boys & Girls Club of Lower Naugatuck Valley in regards to possibly utilizing the City Hall as a satellite location after the city offices are moved to their new location. The Veteran’s Center would remain separate from this agreement and would continue as part of the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Club would likely continue their programs already utilizing the pool and the gymnasium. It was noted that no floor hockey will be allowed. It was stressed that these are only preliminary discussions and Mr. O’Connell will keep the Commission advised. He indicated that the Club is also exploring satellite locations in other Valley towns to further expand their after school programs.

The Irving After Hours program is slated to begin in January. They have expressed interest in using the pool as part of their program.

Biddy Basketball is underway. The program is utilizing the Veteran’s gymnasium.

A new basketball program has been started on Sunday nights for young adults to play. This time will be reserved on a regular basis for the program as there has been interest expressed for some time but space was previously unavailable.

An eight week swim lesson program will be started on Saturday mornings. The classes, four different group levels, will be run in conjunction with the Red Cross certification at a cost of $30.00 for each participant. Instructors, honor students from Notre Dame, have been retained to oversee the program.

Athletic Director’s Report: Mr. Marcucio was not present.

Committee Reports:

Veteran’s Center Committee – The Committee will be scheduling a meeting in the near future.

Youth Advisory Council –The meeting scheduled for Tuesday, December 5, 2000 was cancelled but plans are to reschedule as soon as possible.


Setting of the 2001 calendar of meetings – Members decided to continue with the second Monday of each month. Looking through the year there were conflicts with holidays in the months of February and October and it was decided that on those months, the meeting would be held on the second Tuesday. The meetings would be held at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall.

A motion was made by Beverly Moran and second by Al Felice. Move to adopt the meeting schedule for the calendar year 2001, as decided. All in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Beverly Moran and second by David Mikos. Move to adjourn this meeting at 8:04 p.m. All in favor. Motion carried.

The next meeting will be Monday, January 8, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. If the Aldermanic Chambers are unavailable then the Veteran’s room will be requested.


Respectfully prepared,

Karen Kemmesies, secretary

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