
(meeting taped)

Monthly meeting: Monday, January 12, 2004 in the Aldermanic Chambers of City Hall.

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

By roll call, members present: John Walsh, Al Felice, Matt Cripps, Karen Izzo and Edward Handi. Robert Bell and David Mikos were excused.

Parks and Recreation Director Dennis O’Connell was present. Athletic Director Kenneth Marcucio was absent.

additions or deletions to the agenda:

A motion was made by Al Felice and second by Karen Izzo. Move to add to the agenda the election of the chair and to accept the agenda, as amended. Motion carried unanimously.

approval of minutes:

A motion was made by Al Felice and second by Matt Cripps. Move to accept the minutes of the meeting on November 10, 2003, as written. Motion carried unanimously.

Public portion:

No one was present and public portion was closed.


Nothing was presented.


2004 Meeting Schedule: Members decided to continue the schedule of the second Monday of each month. It was noted that in October, that Monday is a holiday and as such, the meeting would be moved to Tuesday, October 12th.

A motion was made by Matt Cripps and second by Edward Handi. Move to adopt the Park and Recreation Commission meeting schedule for the 2004 calendar year to be the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. with the exception of October, which would be scheduled for October 12th. Motion carried unanimously.

Election of Officers:

A motion was made by Edward Handi and second by Matt Cripps. Move to nominate John Walsh as Chairman of the Parks & Recreation Commission. Motion carried unanimously.

No other nominations were received. The floor was closed. Members congratulated Mr. Walsh and commended him on his continuing efforts for recreation in the City. Mr. Walsh commended the members and Mr. O’Connell for their dedicated service. He felt that this year will be a positive year for recreation in the City.


Parks & Recreation Director’s Report: Mr. O'Connell reported that Shelton has received approval to lease the State land for the skate park. He has been communicating with Shelton and details are being discussed. Consideration is being given to having an outside group supervise the facility. The State requires that there be supervision during hours of operation. The lease is for five years with the opportunity for renewal. It is estimated that the construction cost will be in the range of $65,000 to $85,000 and Derby’s share will be far less than if Derby had chosen to move forward on their own. It was questioned whether Derby would have liability being that they are partnered with Shelton in this venture. Corporation Counsel will be contacted to review the lease and any potential liabilities. The Commission’s next step will be to approach the Neighborhood Committee to coordinate the finances and the legalities of this venture.

Mr. O'Connell suggested that the Finance Committee be reformed to discuss the skateboard funding as well as beginning the budget process. It was also mentioned that raises should be considered for the staff being that no raises were given last year.

The basketball leagues are going very well. The Derby Veteran's Community Center gymnasium is being utilized seven days a week. The Saturday league has ten teams. The Sunday league of 5th and 6th graders has four teams. The over 35 men are in on Sunday mornings. An AAU team will be renting the gymnasium starting this Sunday. Birthday parties are also being scheduled.

There is some wear on the gymnasium floor and Mr. O'Connell would like to have it evaluated after the season is over. This will be further discussed during the budget process.

Baseball registration will be started shortly.

Mr. O'Connell has been negotiating with the Mayor’s office regarding recreation maintenance needs as the Parks & Recreation maintenance person has resigned. The Public Works is looking at creating a maintenance department. The staff is being formulated to maintain city buildings including the Derby Veteran's Community Center. Being that City Hall will be moving, the future of the building has to be determined and whether the maintenance of the entire building will fall on Parks & Recreation. If that is the case, the budget must take this into consideration.

Athletic Director’s Report: Mr. Marcucio was not present.

Committee Reports:

Programs Committee – The Committee has tentatively scheduled a meeting for February 10, 2004.

Facilities Committee – Mr. Felice and City Engineer Michael Joyce will be meeting with the Neighborhood Committee to outline all of the things that have to occur as per stipulations and/or requirements to the regulatory approvals to move forward with the soccer fields. They will also be discussing and clarifying the bids to determine if the bids are in effective over or being that irrigation has become a mandate, does this change bring the overall costs in line with the anticipated costs. A number of things have to be in place prior to starting construction. A licensed person is needed for the maintenance and a superintendent to oversee the work must be found. Water quality testing was a requirement of the Derby Inland Wetlands Agency.

The Greenway project is still awaiting permit approval from the State and finalization of the right of way issues. Construction should begin this year.

Funding for the Amendola complex bathrooms is in place. The Committee continue to pursue moving forward on this project. Mr. Felice and Public Works Director Gary Parker are exploring pre-fabricated structures that would fall in line with the budgeted amount. It was questioned whether this style structure would accommodate future needs should Little League move to that location once the soccer fields are constructed. It was felt that the bathroom facilities were the most urgent need.

Mr. Felice questioned whether Corporation Counsel has offered an opinion on the wrestling program to insure that there is no liability to the City. Mr. O'Connell will explore this matter further. Apparently, the program is using space on Main Street, the space being offered free of charge. The program is affiliated with the USA Wrestling program and insurance is provided within the membership.

A motion was made by Edward Handi and second by Matt Cripps. Move to adjourn this meeting at 8:02 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

The next Parks & Recreation Commission meeting will be Monday, February 9, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. If the Aldermanic Chambers are unavailable then the Veteran’s room will be requested.

Respectfully prepared,

Karen Kemmesies, secretary

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