Bristol, TN

We had no written history on the fountain that is found on the grounds of a funeral home in Bristol, TN until now. Years ago, someone who saw our website about the fountain happened to pass by the fountain and sent us pictures of the fountain. We were told that there might be another one in Bristol, VA and that lead to years of confusion - until now. Last week Frances McNulty saw the post about "Mystery" fountains and the discussion about Bristol. He sent a message that the post and sent a picture and note that the fountain was on the Tennessee side of Bristol. We didn't know that Bristol has the border of Tennessee and Virginia running through it!

Today, we have found out quite a bit about the Bristol fountain from old newspaper clippings - and they all identify with Tennessee rather than Virginia.

They were notified in September, 1907 that they would receive a fountain if they would provide and maintain a site for it. By Thanksgiving Mayor Rice had been informed that the fountain had arrived and the police department would unload it from the freight yard and deliver it to the intersection of Lee and Water Streets for erection.

Lewis Seaver, Secretary of the National Humane Alliance had visited the city earlier. He made the decision on the spot to give a fountain to Bristol because of the sincerity of the mayor and also Col. S.V. Fulkerson who had been corresponding with Seaver to secure a fountain. He had also discovered that Bristol had a real need since it had no public drinking spaces for horses. And finally, he appreciated the fact that a local humane society had recently been established in Bristol.

The fountain proved to be an immediate success though the formal dedication was not held because of unfavorable weather. For the first few days it was noted that the horses were a bit shy in drinking from the bowl which was higher than the troughs that they had been drinking from, but they adapted quickly. Though health officials would frown on it today, they had also attached drinking cups to the fountain for use by the thirsty public seeking water from the lions head spigots.

The fountain is no longer located at Lee and Water Streets. The Google Maps street view shows it at 1912 W. State Street. As of this writing, we don't know how or when it was moved 

You can clearly see it on Google Maps even though the view is from Bristol, Virginia, but we are still looking to find the updated history behind the fountain.

For our recently found news articles about Bristol and its fountain, click here.

For more on the National Humane Alliance Fountains click here.

Updated March 12, 2023

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