Minot, ND

Minot, ND received the magnificent fountain pictured above years before the picture was taken and the automobiles placed it's location in jeopardy. In 1909, people were more concerned with the humane treatment of animals and in this case particularly the horses which were the keys to heavy transportation.

Mrs. Alex Scarlett, a member of the Ward County Humane Society applied to the National Humane Alliance for a fountain for the fast growing city of Minot.

The fountain was shipped to Minot on September 29, 1909 after the city had agreed to the usual terms that Louis Seaver of the NHA required of all towns seeking a fountain. The fountain was erected opposite the Elks Home at the intersection of Main and Third Streets by December after a visit from Seaver helped to determine an appropriate location. One interesting comment came from one of the men who escorted Seaver around town. Not sure if he was trying to impress Seaver, but he was quoted as saying, "I consider the watering and care of the dumb animals of more vital importance than the care of the best auto care in the city of Minot."

Evidently not everyone had the same respect for the fountain. In 1911, Mrs. Scott's husband penned an angry letter to the local newspaper warning, "... the young sports who frequent our streets in the small hours of the morning, to leave the water fountain on Main Street strictly alone." Evidently, the "sports" had stopped up the overflow from the fountain so that the water ran into the surrounding street. As the police approached, they ran away. However, long before the marvels of modern forensics, they left clues to their identities - their handkerchiefs which they had used to block the pipes! It appears that their names were sewn onto the cloth! However, they escaped arrest or public ridicule though Mr. Scarlett, did say of them that they were, "....young men who would like to be called respectable, but the English language has another name applicable to them". To his credit, he did not use the other word! Instead, he offered a reward of $5.00 for anyone caught and convicted of such an offense in the future!

In 1916, the fountain was moved to the side of the paved street just east of the Stone-Ordean, Wells building. It is currently located on Main St. S.  and we are pleased to see that it is in excellent shape and the water continues to run.

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For more on the National Humane Alliance Fountains click here.

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