Augusta, GA

In June 1906, Augusta, Georgia accepted their donation of a National Humane Alliance Fountain and eventually placed it at Walton Way and 15th Street. It appears that it may have stayed there until it went into storage sometime in the 1960s after becoming a traffic hazard as the fountains did in so many other places. However, thanks to Mrs. Rodney Sneed Cohen of the Augusta Garden Club, the fountain was removed from storage and set up in a new location free from automotive traffic on the lawn of the Medical College on Telfair Street.

Years ago, we contacted Bill Kirby, a columnist at the Augusta Chronicle, to see if he knew if Augusta still had their fountain. He not only found the information above, but he also went out and found the fountain and produced this video:


So the fountain still exists with no running water and missing its lions heads. Who knows, maybe one of these days someone will follow Mrs. Cohen's lead and help to fully restore the fountain.


For more on the National Humane Alliance Fountains click here.

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