Comcast-Seymour Community Bulletin Board
80 Great Hill Road
Seymour, CT 06483
Phone: (203) 734-1857
Fax: (203) 734-3425
Dear Cable 10 P.S.A. Applicant:
Many non-profit Public Service Announcements submitted for airing are edited due to the physical limitations of the screen itself. For this reason and to save time, Tele-Media is asking your cooperation when submitting your P.S.A. Please conform to the format below. All lines may be up to 45 characters including punctuation and spaces. If you would like your title in larger type, please limit that line to 35 characters.
We will need your request 3-4 weeks prior to the event date. Due to the large volume of requests that we receive, please limit your P.S.A. submissions to two per month for each organization except in the Fall when one per month is the limit.
The length of run time will vary and cannot be guaranteed. We also prioritize the announcements so that events in our franchise area will take precedence over outside requests. Please be aware that due to time and space limitations, not all requests, generally those out of the area, will get on. Please feel free to copy this form for your future events. Thank you for your assistance.
Date & Time
General Information
Please Limit Lines to 45 Characters per Line