Valley Parish Nurse Program
Pastoral Care Department
130 Division St.
Derby, CT 06418
Looking to fulfill the dream you had when you first went into nursing? Check out the Valley Parish Nurse Program. You can make a difference in your congregation, the community and yourself.
The Valley Parish Nurse Program recruits, trains and offers supportive services to RNs to enable them to function as a minister of health in her/his local congregation. The role of the nurse is to be a Health Educator, Health Counselor, Facilitator/Organizer and Referral Resource in the congregation, and the community.
Working with the members of your church and community to help promote health and foster preventative medicine practices for body, mind, and spirit.
Eligibility Requirements:
Registered Nurse who is active in a local congregation or Synagogue .
Hours of Operation:
Determined by the availability of the nurse and the need of the congregation and community.
How to Access Programs/Services:
Contact the Coordinator-Daun Barrett R.N. at location listed above or by e-mail. e-mail
Member: Valley Council of Health & Human Service Organizations
Member: Valley Council of Health & Human Service Organizations