Henry M. Bradley, Jr.

It's only fitting that the Derby Hall of
Fame feature a man whose love of history prompted the state of
Connecticut to make the study of American history a required subject for
all high school students in Connecticut. That's just one of the
achievements of Henry M. Bradley, Jr. a member of one of Derby's most
prominent families and one of its leading citizens throughout his life.
His devotion to education was obvious even at the age of 21 when he was
elected to the Derby Board of Education. He was later elected as the
state senator from the seventeenth district, and served as chairman of
its education committee among many other committee assignments. During his time in the senate
he authored the legislation making American History a high
school requirement throughout the state.
He was a regular writer on Connecticut
history and contributed several local history articles to Leo Malloy's
1935 Tercentenary Pictorial and History of the Lower Naugatuck Valley. A
world traveler who visited more than fifty foreign countries, he was a
regular lecturer on both his travels and local, state and national
He was an incredibly active leader in
civic life in Derby holding leadership positions in the Odd Fellows,
Derby Lodge of Elks, and the Grange. He served as President of both the
Derby-Shelton Rotary Club and the Derby-Shelton Memorial Day
Association. He was also a leader in the Derby-Shelton Board of Trade,
the Colonial Cemetery, and the Humphreys Home Association.
His biography included memberships in
more than forty other fraternal, social, business, political and
historical organizations.
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