
Principal's Desk

Friday Flash

Bungay Business

Lunch Calendar

Friday Flash

Important Dates to Remember:

Monday, March 5 Breakfast Program begins
    Kindergarten Screenings
    Board of Education meeting - Bungay School 7:30pm
Tuesday, March 6 EARLY DISMISSAL - NO afterschool programs
Wednesday, March 7 Kindergarten Screenings
    Market Day pick-up 5:00pm-6:00pm
    Elementary Arts Recognition Dinner
Friday, March 9 Grade 6 and Grade 5 band visit Middle School for Concert 9:30am

News from the Cafeteria:

The School Breakfast Program begins on Monday, March 5th.  The cost of breakfast is 80¢ (30¢ if you qualify for reduced lunch). Payment should be handed in on Mondays along with your regular lunch money.  You may use the same envelope and check.

Menu changes are as follows:

March 16            Original Pizza

March 30            Galaxy Pizza


The “Every Kiss Counts” Hershey Kiss fundraising sale was very successful!  Thanks to all who donated and purchased kisses to help a family in need.  Your support and kindness is greatly appreciated. Thanks from the “Every Kiss Counts” Committee.

             Bungay School is looking for volunteers to collect and total lunch money every Monday from 8:30am-9:30am. Please contact Janice Biercevicz, 881-9370.

 The Board of Education meeting for Monday, March 5th will meet at Bungay School at 7:30pm.  Bungay School’s Strategic School Profile will be discussed.

Matthew Dobek (music) and Tanairi Reyes (art) are this year’s choices to receive  the Elementary Arts Recognition certificates.  Congratulations!

              PTA News:

Thanks to everyone who helped make the PTA Bingo Nights such a success. There were over 70 people who donated raffle items and/or volunteered to help! Special thanks to Heather Lee, Amanda Duff and Haley Tunila for helping set up and for being our bingo checkers. 

                          Lisa Lee, Chairman 

All students who are participating in a sports program for the afterschool program (karate, gymnastics, kickball, etc) must wear sneakers and loose fitting clothing. Also, please provide your child with a snack from home on those days they remain at school. And, don’t forget, if your child is not staying for their program on a particular day, we must have a note from home! 

The Book Fair is scheduled for March 20-22.  Books for all ages will be available.  A sample list of books will be sent home before the fair, and a sign-up sheet for volunteers will be sent home shortly.

Integrated Gym for Friday, March 9th: 

Grade 5            Mrs. Sabatini

Grade 5            Mr. Skurat


Fitness tip of the week: All baseball/softball players should now start throwing on a daily basis – easy throws, 25 to 50 to start, while working on your form.
Bungay School’s Read and Reach for the Stars

This year’s reading raffle has as its theme 2001, A Reading Odyssey. The contest began February 2, 2001 and will end on April 25, 2001. To enter the raffle a student must read or be read to 3 books per entry form.  He or she may enter as many times as desired. A decorated box has been placed in the hall outside the main office for children to put their entries. Three top readers per grade, as well as 7 students randomly chosen per grade, Kindergarten through Grade 6, will be chosen as winners.  The winners will go on a field trip to the planetarium at the Bridgeport Science Museum on May 2, 2001, and includes lunch!  As an added incentive, if our school reads 2600 books by the finish date, our principals will kiss a llama in their pajamas in front of the entire school! Good luck to everyone and enjoy your reading.                             

Joan Belinsky, Reading Teacher




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